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Grand Cancún will generate surplus of clean, local renewable energy and alleviate to some extend the city’s energy needs. Solar panels will cover most of light-facing areas, including see-through photovoltaic polymers on transparent surfaces. Every residential block on the tower will have vertical wind turbines (VAWTs) and solar panels. These solutions will avoid the “environmental visual pollution” of traditional wind power turbines (HAWTs) taking over immense areas of the sea, and it will incorporate the wind and solar power systems as architectural elements into a “vertical master plan concept design”.


There will also be underwater energy collectors of tidal and wave energy and geothermal collectors under the sea floor.

But the most interesting thing will be the possibility of cleaning the seas! The shape of the platform and underwater collector, its private beach and waterfront, and the coast will direct water right through waste collectors for floating solids and hydrocarbons. Slow motion flow and staggered barriers will prevent any marine life to enter the system accidentally (as marine animals can swim away, whilst debris and plastic rubbish will float inside). The system will nevertheless be monitored permanently. The water will be appropriately nourished, purified and oxigenated to increase marine life, and avoid/eraticate eutrophication. Above the water everything is planned to care for the environment, and about motivating people to share the responsibility. 


The first level of the platform would hold a marine biology laboratory and an environmental studies/sustainable energy university department, together with a large inverse-osmosis desalination plant that provides with drinking water for all the users of the complex and part of the city and the community. All rainwater will be collected and reused and wastewater  will be recycled, purified and reused for gardens.

  • ​​"Best of the world" in hospitality

  • Community integration and re-valuation

  • Bioclimate and renewable energy

  • Cleaning and recovery of sea water

  • Environmental protection

  • Zero-carbon-footprint

  • Minimal sea bed footprint

  • Surplus of fresh water and renewable energy for the city

  • Help the City of Cancun Reduce its dependancy on fosil fuels

  • Increase property, commercial, cultural, and touristic value in the region

  • Reset traditional views in civil ingeneering, urbanism and planning.

  • Only the saving of resources and revenues from water and energy production could pay the whole development of the project in only 15 years!

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